Tag Archives: Corey Tripp

Tip of the Day

“Beware of snakes and thieves. They will tell you what you want to hear but in the end they only care about themselves.” me (inspired by the Bible)

Pictured below are the brilliant Beyond the Whiteboard Staff and myself at there booth at the 2011 Reebok Crossfit Games!  From left to right: Moe Naqvi, Jake Mannion, Corey Tripp, ME, Jonathan Kinnick (my little bro & coach)

These guys are some amazing individuals and great friends of mine.  Not only are they amazing people but they have created the most brilliant way to log your results for workouts.  If you don’t know about it you must have been living in a cave for the past few years!  Check it out and get signed up.  I have over 1200 workout results on the site since 2007 and it has played a crucial role in my success in Crossfit!  Follow them on Facebook & Twitter and their blog is a great read as well.  They have revolutionized the way we track results and they have only just begun.











My Plan Today

-Max Effort Bench Press

-Max Effort Back Squat

-3 x 500m row max effort, rest 2 mins between efforts and holding within 8 seconds.

Rest 5 mins after last row then hit 20 reps of 185# power cleans for time.

**Today I am heading down to San Diego to assist Tony Blauer as he teaches the HQ Trainers at the Trainer Summit some S.P.E.A.R (Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response)!!  Pretty excited for this opportunity and to see all those awesome trainers and HQ Staff!  Check out Mr. Blauer’s website and look into hosting a BYOB (Be Your Own Bodyguard) at your box and begin implementing his methodologies into your weekly regimen.