Start, Don’t Prepare, Begin

2015 CrossFit Games – Team Kinnick – Left to Right – Elyse Persico – Josh Pollema – Giermaine Kinnick – Me – Nick Robles – Christine Navarro. Looking fresh after the Swim Event at Hermosa Beach Pier.

“Start before you’re ready.

Don’t prepare, begin.” 

― Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage

Mel Robbins is an incredible motivational speaker.  I have written several times about her quotes and this one is amazing!  Definitely something I live by.

Lets break this down a little.  This is a powerful statement.  Start before you’re ready.  This is tough for many people.  Often times we like to make sure we are ready before we begin.  A lot of that is procrastination.  This leaves us either never actually starting or waiting WAY TOO long before we begin.  We do not need to be ready.  We do not need to be prepared.  We only need to begin.  To start.  3, 2, 1, GO!!!  5-4-3-2-1-GO!!!  Once we are in motion the hardest part is over.  That doesn’t mean you open a business with out a plan.  Or you just rush into marriage.  This is for those situations where you are paralyzed and unable to start.  You’re overthinking it and just need to begin.

Heres the deal.  You will never FEEL ready.  Because FEELINGS LIE.  Just Do It!  And if you fail, WHO CARES!!!  Thats how you learn and grow.  So what are you waiting for??

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